As an arts educator it is important to me to center the experience, imagination and power of creativity. In hope that all can bring their perspective to their own expression. Here are some of the themes that I focus on within my art education work:
Challenging Anti Blackness in Arts and Cultural Education
Art Integration into the Curriculum
Art/s can be a great entry way into various subjects within classroom and college curriculums. Arts integration allows the whole person to enter a subject and show up. Art can encourages critical thinking and creative problem solving. Cultural Empowerment Through Art
Learning appreciation of all cultures through their art is a way to learn and explore what makes people across the globe unique and further gain an understanding of each other. Through art I incorporate various traditional, multicultural and culturally competent art practices and philosophies in approaches to creativity and art making. Art As Experience
Art is life. We don't need museums or academic degrees to experience art. In my practice I value the lived experiences of others and how they interpret their own creativity through their heritage, interests and culture. "Art" isn't the only way we can be creative. How we eat, love, walk, dress are all ways to demonstrate art as a lived experience. |
Art Is Activism
I use my art and creativity to serve my community and bring awareness to important topics and concerns. This can look like making flyers, protest posters, t-shirt designs and murals. Some topics include reproductive justice, disability justice, food justice, education reform, indigenous justice and environmental justice. |
Project and Art Based Learning
Art making encompasses many aspects of creative problem solving, scientific thinking, inquire, joy and experimentation. This engagement allows a multiple axis for exploration on any subject. Art making, crafting, design, building, tinkering, imagination are all essential skills that can be accessed through project based learning. |
Art and Literacy
Art and literacy involves highlighting the many way we communicate visually through icons, symbols, colors, art, texture and other forms of vision perception. Art is a language. This also applies to the relationships that literary arts and visual art has and how it is supported by each other. Art encourages critical thinking, strengths deeper subject comprehension within reading and writing. |